For a number of years, Deacon Don Robers has led a series of adult religious education classes for those in the community interested in "renewing and reviewing their faith" through different videos, books, and open discussion.
Classes are held each Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Hall (with the exception of holidays).
Everyone interested are welcome to attend! It is not required to attend every session.
For more information, contact the Deacon by calling 740-385-0447.
Our Eucharistic Adoration is held on the first Friday of each month from 8:30 a.m. (following daily Mass) to 7 p.m. in the church.
Please note: daily Mass is held in our chapel, while Adoration takes place in the church itself.
Eucharistic Adoration provides a break from the chaos of everyday life to spend an hour in the real presence of Jesus. The practice of Adoration offers participants the chance to sit, pray, talk, or simply be with Jesus for one uninterrupted hour.
Those wishing to volunteer for a specific hour can contact Pam Olson (740-385-4381) to set up a time that best fits their schedule.
However, there is no limit to how many people attend Adoration at the same time, so it is not necessary to commit to a particular hour each month if you unable.
RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, is offered each year to adults who are interested in becoming members of the Catholic Church.
These classes provide a structured way to learn about the Catholic faith and culminates at the Easter Vigil, when the catechumens will join the Church.
RCIA begins in September of each year and concludes just before Easter Sunday, as catechumens will join the Church that weekend.
Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. in the Church Hall.
For more information, or to sign up, contact Marie Auflick by calling 740-385-4762.