Please note: While an individual may be listed as a contact for a specific group, calls can also be made to the church office (740-385-2549).
Altar Servers (Grade 3 and higher) assist the priest at daily and Sunday liturgies. Training sessions are held for new servers and to offer a refresher for those already serving.
Contact Kevin Kerns (740-385-8608) for more information.
Parishioners assist in the distribution of the Eucharist during the liturgies and bring Holy Communion to the sick on a regularly scheduled basis.
Contact Carol Shelton (740-385-3790) for more information.
Help proclaim the word of God during the liturgies be becoming a Lector.
Contact Matt Shaw by calling (740-385-8297).
The Parish Liturgy Committee oversees celebrations in accord with the Roman liturgy, while working with the other liturgy groups.
Contact Carol Shelton by calling (740-385-3790) for more information.
Ushers assist the church by welcoming and seating parishioners and visitors for Mass on Sundays, Holy Days, and funerals, as well as collecting the offerings during Mass.
Contact Mark Weiland (740-385-6255) for more information.